I have obtained my life coach qualification in late 2015 at the prestigious Coach Training Institute (CTI) in London.
I was invited to Sky TV where I have received this quote:
Marta was an extremely professional and interesting part of the show. She provided support and guidance on two of our shows and we will certainly be asking her back in the near future.
Victoria Edgecombe
TV Producer, Sky

A year later in late 2016, I by chance have ended up at a Dangerous Personalities seminar that has set me on an unexpectedly deep inner journey which has helped me to find the answers of the most burning questions in my life, but more so, I started to notice that I can quite successfully help my human environment to start the same journey.
I have started my speaker career in August 2018 when I have received an invitation to hold two four hours interactive activities on emotional intelligence in Budapest/Hungary at the EURO Language School for adults.

My first UK school talk was held in the Radnor Music School, in September 2018

See also an article published in the TW Magazine in January 2019 here (PDF).
On 17 October 2019, I had been invited to the St Mary’s University by Eleni Avaropoulou, Senior Lecturer in Business Management at the St Mary's University to take part of a podiums discussion about emotional intelligence in organisational politics.

On 22 October 2019, I was re-invited by the Business Society of the St Mary’s University to speak about dangerous personalities.

Orsi Nagy, Business Coach, has interviewed me live on 17 March 2020 following the 27 Februar 2020 H.E.N.E (Hungarian Entrepreneurs Networking Event) Master Class, as we wanted to cover a broad mental health topic from an original perspective for a broader audience. Click here to open the Video in a new tab.
I wrote a book chapter "The Lesson of Toxic Love" about my personal experience with dangerous personalities in 2020. The book "Shift - A New Era Begins" was puplished featering my story in chapter 18 in November 2021. Click here to see the book on Amazon.
Only true stories can break trauma bonds, where those who are the storytellers act like human catalysts in a positive transformative change.
Marta Maria Kupeczik
Co-Author Shift - A New Era Begins